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We get to choose what we want believe in.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, the Bible states.
Perhaps, this choice is much deeper and has a more spiritual implication than we think it does.

- My Reflections

My truth is not the truth. It’s what I believe to be true based on my life filters; value, beliefs, experiences, and fears. There are times when we can feel so sure about being right, that we are willing to sacrifice that over connection in some of more meaningful relationships.

In essence, we become self-righteous. We become critical thinkers by being right and making someone else wrong. Perhaps, if we could become skeptical (curious) of our own thoughts, perhaps, we could choose connection over being right in the moment.

Next time you find yourself in a bump with someone you care about, try this approach.

Stop, breathe, reflect, and self inquire this question – Do I want to be right or keep our connection right now? This moment of self inquiry is the difference between a reaction and a response. The difference between drama and peace. In the present moment, like in chess, it’s always our next move. Choose wisely.
-Walter Aguilar

For the word of GOD is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joins and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

- Hebrew 4:12 NIV

How’s it going? Busy, is often a common reply.

In fact, it is our minds that are the busiest. Neuroscientist have said that the average person has 70,000 thoughts per day. Of those 70k thoughts 80% are the same thoughts they had yesterday. On top of that 70% of those thoughts are negative.

No wonder we have an anxiety epidemic. Anxiety keep us in the hurricane of past and future thinking. It reminds of what we may lost and what we don’t have or perhaps worst case scenarios.

Gratitude focuses us on what we do have. It brings us into the eye of the hurricane; which is this present moment. In the now is where life happens. It is where we find flow.

God is in the flow. If it has flow, it’s good to go. If it has no flow, just let it go and just say no.

An attitude of gratitude increases are performance potential in whatever role we play in life, whether in business, school or personal interactions.

Want to get out of the hurricane of thinking?
Stop, breathe, pray, be thankful and choose to be in the present moment with judging it or labeling it. If even just for 5-10 minutes a day.
🙏🏾❤️ Walter Agular

My day changes when I Remember GRATITUDE

There was a time when I hit the dark night of my soul. I felt all alone, forsaken by God, confused and in despair. I felt a hole in my heart. I needed hope and a plan. I had neither.

Then I took inventory of who I was and where I was because of my choices I had made that were solely focused on what I wanted.

It took remembering that a person who loved me deeply, left the porch light on so that when I was ready to come home, I would know the way.

I returned to where I am truly loved and know it is gratitude that now fuels my inspiration to be and do what I do. I am eternally grateful that I found my way home to Love.

If you are going through your own dark night of your soul, remember to pray and look for the light of love…and let it guide your way home.
-Walter Aguilar

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

- Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

- Latest Posts

MEME: unit of cultural information spread by imitation.

YIELD: to give way to.

Poetic Offering

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being".

The word refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one’s life worthwhile.
It will inspire an individual to take spontaneous and willing actions, providing them deep satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

As a certified COR.E Performance, Transition, and Leadership Dynamics specialist, I have the privilege of guiding people towards self-discovery and empowerment. It’s been a remarkable journey, witnessing so many individuals evolve and step into their power, achieving heights they once deemed unattainable. Today, I’d like to share some key strategies I’ve found most impactful on this journey of personal growth.


The ability to be present, access skills and talents, connect to creativity and intuition, to make conscious choices in the moment that serve us and others. This is important in sports, performance based careers and any role that requires effective in the moment decision making.


When we move from where we are to where we want to be. Since change is the only constant in life, Transitions come in every aspect of our life; Environment, Career, Relationships, Family/parenting, Health, Personal Finance, Spiritual, Personal Development and Fun | Enjoyment.


Leadership is where interaction and influence happen. The influence that comes from a higher level of consciousness and awareness is of greater impact. Leaders who lead themselves intentionally, and with a definite of purpose, become leaders who lead others with greater influence and level of effectiveness.


Learning ideally who we want to be, how we want live, and what we want from our lives. Learning how to reduce stress, increase energy, and increase overall health and well being.

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